1 research outputs found

    Relacion vincular de la madre adolescente con su hijo nato y no nato

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    Esta investigaci贸n pretende reconocer la relaci贸n vincular de la madre adolescente con su hijo(s) nato(s) y no nato, ya que cuando se es adolescente puede llegar a ser dif铆cil tener un hijo y generar un adecuado v铆nculo de apego. Metodolog铆a: Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se realiz贸 una b煤squeda sistem谩tica de literatura en las bases de datos: REDALYC, SCIELO, PEPSIC, ACADEMIA, DIALNET, GOOGLE ACAD脡MICO, repositorios y libros de texto en f铆sico. La informaci贸n que se obtuvo para dar respuesta al objetivo general fue clasificada y organizada en un total de 55 referencias, entre las que se encontraron art铆culos, libros y tesis en espa帽ol e ingl茅s del a帽o 2004 al a帽o 2018. La evaluaci贸n de la relaci贸n madre-hijo se llev贸 cabo a trav茅s del instrumento MAI (Maternal Attachment Inventory, de M眉ller, 1994; validado en Colombia 2016), teniendo en cuenta aspectos relacionados con la teor铆a propuesta por Bowlby (2006), Winnicott (1988), Fonagy (2004) y Klein (2009). La muestra con la que se trabaj贸 fueron 88 madres adolescentes con hijos natos pertenecientes a programas de prevenci贸n del ICBF zona norte, seccional Santa Marta-Colombia. Resultados: Los resultados indican que las madres adolescentes son capaces de mantener diadas sanas con sus bebes, caracterizadas por sensibilidad, cuidados, comunicaci贸n y un contexto que le permite al ni帽o un adecuado desarrollo. De la misma manera, se pudo determinar mediante este estudio, que las madres adolescentes muestran un adecuado grado de vinculaci贸n afectiva, establecen una adecuada interacci贸n-uni贸n al estar con sus hijos y brindan un adecuado apoyo emocional, disfrutando estar en contacto con sus hijos natos al expresar con facilidad su amor hacia ellos.This research aims to recognize the relationship between the adolescent mother and her born child (s) and unborn child, since when she is a teenager it can become difficult to have a child and generate an adequate bond of attachment. Methodology: To carry out this work, a systematic literature search was conducted in the databases: REDALYC, SCIELO, PEPSIC, ACADEMIA, DIALNET, GOOGLE ACAD脡MICO, repositories and textbooks in physics. The information obtained to respond to the general objective was classified and organized into a total of 55 references, among which were articles, books and theses in Spanish and English from 2004 to 2018. The evaluation of the mother- son was carried out through the instrument MAI (Maternal Attachment Inventory, M眉ller, 1994, validated in Colombia 2016), taking into account aspects related to the theory proposed by Bowlby (2006), Winnicott (1988), Fonagy (2004) and Klein (2009). The sample with which we worked was 88 adolescent mothers with children born belonging to prevention programs of the ICBF north zone, Santa Marta-Colombia section. Results: The results indicate that adolescent mothers are able to maintain healthy dyads with their babies, characterized by sensitivity, care, communication and a context that allows the child an adequate development. In the same way, it was determined through this study, that adolescent mothers show an adequate degree of affective bonding, establish an adequate interaction-union when being with their children and provide an adequate emotional support, enjoying being in contact with their born children. by easily expressing their love for them